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Thursday 22 February 2018

Excalibur Meeting Report, 14th February 2018

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Next on: In-house Speech & Evaluation Contest on 28th February!

“Love is all it matters!” Toastmaster of the love, Freddie Daniells opened the meeting with beautiful song lyrics. David Adams warmly introduced guests Ian, Dio, and RemiTimekeeper Tadija Popovic explained the time rules in detail.

Table Topics session
Table Topics Master, Robin Alcott conducted the session romantically. Starting with the food, Marcin Tolysz indicated dark chocolates are more likely to make the trees extinct than milk or white chocolates. Monika Swiderska recommended addressing more on this interesting aspect. Speaking of the food not to eat on Valentine ’s Day, guest Ian mentioned that fish as a common allergic food to her ex-wife. Carolina Castillo enjoyed his entertaining story. If being able to date with one chef, Cat Kipling would like to choose the vegetarian chef since it is hard to figure out the vegetarian cuisine. David West appreciated her detailed explanations for three options. When it comes to the favourite food, our new member Ben Starling shared his noodle experience in the restaurant. Carol West praised that he stuck to the answer and recommended to use more stages. Regarding non-chocolate products, our new member Sonia Araujo described the ice cream flavours. Eva Yang enjoyed her sharing and recommended to express the experience more.

Prepared Speeches! 

Ian Brown described his working and studying experience last year. Although he forgot everything from the university, he had a lot of fun with youngsters and worked hard to prepare for the exam. Evaluator Brian Skelton enjoyed his humorous opening and recommended to pay attention to the pauses. Second speaker Carolina Castillo demonstrated the persuasive skills to sell a product. As a top seller, she introduced three important aspects such as defining the need, solving the need, and obtaining the commitment. Evaluator Ben Starling loved the eight questions in the beginning of the demonstration to understand the need of the customer and suggested to address more on the commitment part. 

Open Feedback: 
Eva Yang conducted the session for her first time and succinctly drew out audience commendations and recommendations for both speakers.

There is always a room for improvement! “Moments of Truth” is a discussion activity for members and guests to share what they like about Excalibur and to provide recommendations. President Chinkata Okpara divided us into three groups:
(a)  Planning & Organisation: Although some members concerned about Pathways, most of members liked the agenda and open feedback session.
(b)  First Impression: In spite of the uncontrollable temperature of the room, new members found Excalibur encourage guests to be involved.
(c)  Membership Orientation: Mentoring can be coordinated with the CV (manuals, speeches, leader status) of the members.

General Evaluator Dionysios Kola from dbToastmasters club found lots of laughter in the meeting and provided suggestions to all session masters.

Finally, President Chinkata Okpara closed the meeting by announcing the winner of Best Table Topic: Cat Kipling.

Next on: In-house Speech & Evaluation Contest on 28th February!

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